Would you have ever thought that something as gentle and warming as incense could become so therapeutic that it eases your body and your mind? Incense scents have been performing magicfrom time immemorial. Even though it was an essential tool found in the bags of monks and gurus, it has now gained widespread awareness and acceptance.
Benefits of using Aromatherapy
Aromatherapy has been in use for decades and is not going out of style anytime soon. Some of the benefits of using aromatherapy include the following:
● Managing pain better
● Reducing the effects of depression
● Reduces body pains and soothes pains quickly
● Reduces anxiety
● Reduces the side effects of chemo
● Great for treating headache
● Reduces insomnia and increases your sleeping time.
Most of these benefits listed above are related to depression in a way. Curing any of these or a combination of some of them will definitely reduce the effects of depression in the longrun.
The different incense scents to use for depression
1. Agarwood incense coil
Agarwood is one of the most famous elements in some of the most expensive perfumes. Its aromatic power goes beyond just filling your room up with a delicious scent, it also leaves yourbody relaxed and your mind calm.
Agarwood dates back to the days of the ancient Chinese when herbs were all it took to achieve all-round wellness. Agarwood was used in the treatment of flu, nausea, cold, asthma, andseveral other ailments.
Combining all that awesomeness into scents and still being able to achieve healing from depression is one of the amazing benefits of using the Agarwood incense coil.
2. Jasmine incense scent
Jasmine incense sticks do more than just beautify the aura of your environment with the most aromatic experience, it also performs some spiritual and physical healing that the ancient monks were able to tap into.
Jasmine incense scent is one that is capable of strengthening the bond in the union of two companions. Burning this incense every day in your home can make the both of you moreresponsive and open to each other. Aside from this, it also has the healing power to reduce your stress levels, making you happier and more fulfilled every day.
3. Indian scent
Everyone who knows India knows that one of the major things they are known for is their mode of worship. The Indian scent is one of the most essential ingredients in places of worship as it allows worshippers to connect to their inner selves.
Some of the world’s earliest monks were from India, so you know how well they cherish this particular scent. The scent has the power to send you into a space that allows you toconnect to your true self while also giving you healing in your body, mind, and spirit.
4. Sandalwood
This list would not be complete without mentioning the aromatherapeutic sandalwood. Sandalwood has been in use for several decades and will stay that way for years. More and more people are beginning to find out that this incense scent does more than just fill the air with a delicious aroma. It also hasa healing effect.
Sandalwood fills your space with a natural and unique smell that sends you into a state of calmness, helping you to forget everything about depression and what led to it. It also purifiesyour air as much as it perfumes it. It is a yoga expert’s super handyman. You can burn them in your office, restaurant, or home, and still be able to keep everyone excited, no matter their taste in scents.
5. Lavender
Lavender is one of the most popular perfume ingredients. If you check the perfume you are currently using, you might just find out it is one of the main ingredients in it. Lavenderhas lived up to its name as it ensures that any foul odor in your space is expelled and fills the room with nothing but aromatic beauty.
Get yourself a good packet of lavender incense scent sticks today and depression would become a thing of the past. Most packets come with over one hundred sticks, making it a great ideato burn one in the morning before you wake and one at night before you sleep.
6. Rose
The awesome fragrance of the rose flower doesn’t require too much explanation. Being a beautiful gift for love, you know how beautifully this scent joins people and helps themto connect better.
The rose scent creates a peaceful aura in your environment as well as in your body system and is capable of getting rid of the thoughts that send you into a depressed state. Lightany rose incense stick or coil in your space and watch your heart and mind make a quick leap to satisfaction and peace.
There are several other incense scents that you can try out if you need to clear your mind and move yourself into a peaceful state. Some of these include Magnolia, Mint, Cherry, and many others.
Note that these incense scents will work even better when you combine them with therapy. Combining traditional therapy with aromatherapy can lift you from depression to happiness in just a few days if you stick to them.