You could use scented oils at home.
You could do this by creating your air freshener. You could add in a few drops of your scented oils inside your container, and they spray it as you desire. But if you want to burn your scented oils the way incense is burnt, you could make use of either a traditional oil burner or an electric oil burner. This piece would explain how you can burn your delightful scented oils using traditional oil burners and an electric oil burners.

How to make use of a Traditional Oil Burner
• You could use a traditional candle burner because this is quite simple.
These traditional oil burners are around two-tiered pieces made of ceramics. They would create a little bowl that has a top where you could put your oil. There's also a bottom section where you could place your tea light little candle.
Oil burners like these are pretty affordable. They are effortless to find places either on the internet or in stores from retailers selling home products or beauty supplies. You could even find these in various grocery stores.
It would be best to search for burners with bottomless bowls that would not evaporate in haste.

• Next, you should fill your ceramic bowls.
Fill your ceramic bowl to the high part of your burner using water. Then gently pour water slowly to the top as you carefully fill your bowl until it reaches below your bowl's edge parts. You can carefully fill your bowl using burners that have inner lips. These are significant indicators of how you could use them whenever you try to fill your bowl. You could use any water, but if you have a lot of minerals in your water, it would be best to use distilled water to reduce the build-up of residue.
• Add about ten drops of your scented oil inside the water
You could make use of a medicine dropper or use either a dispenser or an applicator that comes with your oil. Then add around ten drops of your oil inside the water.
If you want to mix oils, you should keep the complete drops to ten or a reduced amount, so you do not do too much. You could add more water later if you feel the scent coming out is not enough. You should also experiment and know which level of water to oil concentration is strong enough.

• You should insert and then light up your scented oils
Making use of small candlelight refers to using a bit of candle that is covered in a foil shell so whenever the scented oil or candle burns. All of the wax is contained. You should carefully light up your candle and then place it at the bottom of your burner. Oil burns. You need to keep your bottles far away from the flame.
You should always pay serious attention to flames when they are open. Keep your kids and pets far away from the burner.
• You should limit the amount of time you burn scented oils
It should be limited from thirty to sixty minutes because there are a variety of negative impacts which come whenever you breathe in essential oils constantly. You must keep diffusing the sessions that you inhale scented oils for thirty to sixty minutes. You could also alternate. Like forty-five minutes on and then forty-five minutes off.
It would be best if you washed your burner as you made use of them. This is essential so the amount of residue which builds up reduces. It would be best if you wiped out the bowl of your burner using a tissue with some amount of alcohol. This gets rid of all oil residues, and it would leave your burner scent-free and fresh for the next time you would like to use it. If you do not wash it, your burner has no choice but to soak up all of the scented oil residues left behind.

The residue builds up, adding to the scents that accumulate, making the burner unusable for various types of oils.
Not washing your burner could result in a highly unpleasant smell whenever you make use of it.
Using an Electric Scented Oil Burner
If you want to make use of an electric Scented Oil Burner, you need to get yourself a ceramic burner that makes use of meager heat. Getting a burner that uses a little light bulb as an element for hearing could be a great option. Just as the warmer ones would only get as hot as your light bulb would let it. There are various other models which involve sitting or getting a ceramic bowl at the top of a heating element. At times these are referred to as wax warmer or candle warmer.

These electric burners get rid of the need to use open flames, unlike the traditional burners. But as the use of anything electric comes, there are always electrical hazards that cause fire risks, and then your heating elements could also cause burns. These need to be operated with care, and they all need to be attended to the entire time.
To use this, prepare your oil like with the traditional scented oil burner, and then the only difference is the method used to heat the oils. The entire remaining process is the same.
At this point, you have all the information needed to burn your scented oils. Get scented oils for relaxation, meditation to get peace of mind, and before you know it, that sense of calm would come.