Natural Handmade Sandalwood Coils (48 box)

Whatever fragrance catches your fancy, whether it is something simple like rose or lavender or jasmine or something more complex like Osmanthus, India spice, or agarwood, our natural handmade sandalwood...

Whatever fragrance catches your fancy, whether it is something simple like rose or lavender or jasmine or something more complex like Osmanthus, India spice, or agarwood, our natural handmade sandalwood coils are guaranteed to satisfy your choice of scents.

They are made from non-toxic, natural, and safe to use materials. When you light the incense coil, your space will be suffused with a natural yet elegant aroma that doesn’t just perfume the air but purifies it as well. Guaranteed to soothe tired nerves and bring a sense of tranquillity, these coils are perfect for burning in households, offices, cafes, restaurants, restrooms, and other indoor places.



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